The programme: CIVIC SCOUTS AT WORK is a capacity development programme for employees working in enterprises in Bulgaria, Croatia, Germany and Hungary to become so called CIVIC SCOUTS. The training modules include elements of civic education and focus on developing different democracy competencies such as critical thinking, tolerance or transformation skills. At the same time, …
Team development with color and ease
Anne and Maren were allowed to conduct a resource-oriented team development workshop with a department of the federal office of the political party BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN.
Interdisciplinary research
The situation: Committed employees of TH Köln are on the verge of founding an interdisciplinary research cluster “Circular Value Creation”. At a first symposium in autumn 2010, 50 specialist professors from 10 faculties were already involved, activities were bundled, and a temporary working structure was found. The founding process is planned to take place during …
The situation: The cross-departmental team of the Ausländerrat Dresden e.V. meets every six weeks for a joint meeting on common issues. During one of these meetings, the need and desire came up to learn more about how decision-making processes can be designed in a way that involves all team members and enables effective decisions. Our …
Developing strategic goals together
The situation: A non-profit organization wants to revise its strategic goals for the next few years and involve all employees in the process. The goal is to create a shared understanding of the organization’s priorities and align everyone on a common course. Our contribution: In a two-day workshop, we worked with the organization to develop …
The situation: Twenty people embarked on a journey to test digital rural life in the small town of Homberg (Efze) during the Summer of Pioneers 2022. To facilitate and the participants’ acquaintance, deepen their relationships and explore together which principles should be included in their collaboration in the coming months, the organizers requested a kick-off …
Die Ausgangslage: Nach einem ereignisreichen Jahr möchte das Team bewusst über die Schwelle gehen, mit Vergangenem gut abschließen und motiviert und sicher nach vorne gehen. Unser Beitrag: In einem eintägigen virtuellen Workshop arbeitete das Team mit Maren flexibel und lösungsfokussiert. Was funktioniert heute schon gut und soll durch die gemeinsame Arbeit nicht verändert werden? Woran …
Embodied Values
The situation: After months of working from home, there was a great need in the team to revive the collegial feeling as well as to align for the next steps. In a previous workshop, the founders had already taken the first steps towards determining values for internal collaboration. Now, the initiated culture was supposed to …
Generationswechsel und Genossenschaft
Die Ausgangslage: Die Gründer*innen gehen in den Ruhestand und ein neues Geschäftsführungstandem übernimmt. Es möchte Führung neu denken, Verantwortung verteilen und verschiedene Unternehmungen unter einem genossenschaftlichen Dach vereinen, um auch in der Finanzbranche eine neue Form des nachhaltigen und ethischen Arbeitens und Wirtschaftens vorzuleben. Unser Beitrag: Seit 2015 begleiten wir das Team und die Geschäftsführung …