The programme: CIVIC SCOUTS AT WORK is a capacity development programme for employees working in enterprises in Bulgaria, Croatia, Germany and Hungary to become so called CIVIC SCOUTS. The training modules include elements of civic education and focus on developing different democracy competencies such as critical thinking, tolerance or transformation skills. At the same time, …
The situation: The cross-departmental team of the Ausländerrat Dresden e.V. meets every six weeks for a joint meeting on common issues. During one of these meetings, the need and desire came up to learn more about how decision-making processes can be designed in a way that involves all team members and enables effective decisions. Our …
The project: Self-organization is in demand, anti-discrimination is in demand. Why don’t we think about them together more often? Even when hierarchies are dismantled and organizations transition to self-organized forms of collaboration, invisible or implicit power structures remain active. Therefore, as part of the series “Eine Arbeitswelt wie sie uns gefällt” in cooperation with Wigwam …
Anti-Bias in internationaler Zusammenarbeit
Das Anliegen: In einem extern begleiteten Workshop möchten sich Menschen aus drei Forschungsbereichen selbstverantwortlich und interaktiv erarbeiten, wie sie insbesondere in internationalen Kontexten mit Vorurteilen und Annahmen in ihrer Forschung und in ihren Projektanträgen umgehen können. Ziele des Workshops: Weniger kontextferne deutschen Ideen produzieren und noch sensibler mit internationalen Stakeholdern kommunizieren und zusammenarbeiten. Unser Beitrag: …
The Series: Beispiels-arbeits-weisen
Four times a year, we want to show how we work. We are primarily addressing internal process facilitators and organizational developers who are shaping changes within their organizations. Together, we will experiment playfully in four modules, reflect individually, integrate collectively, and structure agilely. We will design these content areas anew every year so that you …
Agile Leadership during the Crisis
THE WEBINAR SERIES: HOW TO STAY AGILE, RESILIENT, AND ADAPTIVE DURING UNCERTAIN TIMES? We are facing challenges due to the COVID-19 crisis that nobody expected. The situation is uncertain, the information is overwhelming, and the changes driven by regulations and solidarity are happening rapidly. The current crisis is causing great uncertainty, which can be paralyzing. …
Verbunden und effizient im Home Office
Unsere Arbeitswelt wandelt sich gerade rasant. Von einem Moment auf den anderen müssen Teams virtuell zusammen arbeiten und sich im Home Office neu organisieren. Und das über Wochen, womöglich Monate. Die aktuelle Krise stürzt die meisten von uns in große Unsicherheit. Wie schaffen wir es, uns im Team auch langfristig trotzdem nah und verbunden zu …
Agile leadership through Critical and Systems thinking
Technological developments progress rapidly. The fast-paced digital transformation has far reaching consequences for working processes, human interactions, relationships and patterns of thought or action. Digitalization requires a quick, well-structured exchange between individuals and organizations. We believe this is best achieved through interdisciplinary problem-solving and envisioning the future in a collaborative fashion. WHAT IS “AGILE LEADERSHIP”? …
Virtual collaboration for decentralized teams
Our goal: The tbd* team has undergone a restructuration and now works in at least three different locations. Between them lies the great pond, different cultures and time zones. We have accompanied the team on their way to self-organization, which is more pivotal than ever for virtual collaboration. Our contribution: Maren and Claire are coaching …